Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weatherpod: Weathbox Podcast


"Brian Warren of Weatherbox has a sick new podcast called Weatherpod. You can grab the feed or get it via iTunes."

doghouse is havin me speak out some essays and passages from literature to spread propaganda to the youth, its like the fireside chats but completely ERRONEOUSSS, do you magical fuckers have good information that i should be putting out into the world via my weatherpod?


  1. educate-yourself.org Go there, read up, take some notes, and spit out some crazy shit.

  2. By the way, there's no apostrophe in "its".

  3. educate-yourself.org is officially the dumbest collection of writings on the entire internet, and that's saying something

    This is a big story. It's an attempt by the Illuminati, working through their number one propaganda production factory, the Tavistock Institute in the City of London, to create the illusion that the world is rapidly running out of oil and within a few short years, we will experience unemployemnt, wars, famine, and all manner of horrendous strife as a result of the fallout from the now "rapdily vanishing" oil supplies. It's a scam from top to bottom.

    For over a year, the military has been spraying the skies throughout America, Canada, and now parts of Europe (including Britain, France, and the Netherlands) with substances that were initially referred to as "mystery contrails" , but later were named "chemtrails" by investigative reporter and author William Thomas. When questioned, military and government officials either deny any knowledge of these sprayings outright or they offer unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only a moron could believe.

    The day is now approaching in which government mind control technologies will be directed at you, your neighbors, and your loved ones. Every single day, equipment is being erected and installed in this country with the hidden purpose of exerting mind control over the entire population. Everywhere in this country (and overseas), ELF/microwave transmission towers are being erected. The antennae usually look like four slightly curved vertical plates about 2 feet in length and located in either 3 or 4 quadrants around the tower, two thirds up from the ground. Just look around, you'll see them.

    yeah.... try again!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/devils_music.htm

  6. do another one but chew a little louder

  7. You did say you wanted some propaganda, there it is...

  8. stick w/ what you kinda know...music.
