Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rachel Maddow Asserts Her Amazingness

This is a video of Rachel Maddow interviewing a man who claims that homosexuality can be "cured," through purchasing his books, DVD's and lessons. This man's organization is directly culpable for the horrific legislation that looks set to pass in Uganda which would imprison and most likely result in the execution of homosexuals. I'm totally serious, that's not an exaggeration. In this interview, Maddow exposes that this man 1) is not a licensed therapist 2) published "facts" from disreputable crazy people; facts which are being used to justify the execution of homosexuals in Uganda 3) is pure evil; among other things. This is the way far more people should be interviewed, but seemingly the only people with the balls and/or intelligence to really pull it off are Maddow and Jon Stewart.

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