Saturday, December 12, 2009

Utah University Professor of Political Economy Minqi Li

"Well, of course, given the current situation, the world's majority of the environmental movements continue to follow the strategy to persuade the government to reform, to adopt certain measures within the capitalist system, like cap and trade, or some would propose carbon tax as an alternative. But the situation, the reality we are observing right now, is that no matter how hard we are pressing the capitalist government, no matter how hard we are pressing the corporations, the reality is that the emission keep growing each year—except for this year because of the very deep recession, but we cannot have a deep recession every year. And then the basic situation is that if these capitalist countries continue to expand their emissions, and there's no way to get out, and so I would say maybe it's time for the environmental movements to look beyond themselves and to find ways to combine their effort with the effort of the general social movement, to combine their effort with the effort of the world's great majority, the oppressed and exploited. And only with the general participation of the greater majority of the world population, then we have some hope to stop this. I know this is hard, but I don't see any other option."

1 comment:

  1. the recession is good for our planet i love that
