Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Found Artifacts From A Place Called YouTube

HAAAAA! The Tea Party has now definitively added Curb Stomping to their official policy regarding how to deal with liberals! This fills me with mixed emotions. On the one hand, yes, of course, this is the best election cycle that has ever been. Hands down. The Shakespeare of political theatre, is what everyone should be calling these tea baggers. But on the other hand, elections are next week, and then, what? Well, then it is winter time. Then it is time for all of us to steal garbage cans and desperately attempt to glean some semblance of warmth and comfort from the impotent flames that will arise from the refuse of this country. And once the tea baggers have repealed the already inadequate healthcare reform, infinitely extended the Bush tax cuts, decided Iran just looks too delicious not to blow the fuck up, and, finally, after having bankrupted the country and turned it into the racist, illiterate cesspool that they so fondly idealize as "the good old days", they will turn around and blame it all on Barack Obama.

So vote Democrat! (See? The Left can use scare tactics too! Get off your high horse, Democrats, and start calling an ignorant racist with a mild-to-moderate learning disability an ignorant racist with a mild-to-moderate learning disability!)

Secondly, I found this video that I think is the best possible metaphor for what religious people look like to me always:

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