Monday, November 9, 2009

Words From The Man (In A Good Way)

Pitchfork: So you guys have put out two albums in two years. Does that mean you're done recording for a bit?

Yoni Wolf: We don't have anything ready to record, or recorded right now, so it'll be a minute. I need some time to get with some writing. But I have some stuff that I've been working on the past year or two, but I haven't put anything together into songs or anything like that. Maybe it'll turn into letters to the president, I don't really know what it'll turn into.

Pitchfork: It might not even be music.

YW: Exactly, exactly.

Pitchfork: I noticed there's still some hip-hop elements in the live show, even though there wasn't really much at all in Eskimo Snow. Do you see a time when the live show won't have any hip-hop?

YW: See, people hear your records in order, and they think of you as progressing in some direction, but it's not really like that. The next record will probably be mostly a rap record, from what I can tell. If it's not letters to Mr. Obama. So yeah, we enjoy mixing it up in the live show, and do songs from the last three records.

(via Pitchfork)


  1. i always forget that "the man" used to be good. after i listened to rap and went to college he became pretty shitty.

  2. Lets cut the guy some slack. The man gave us three overlooked masterpieces over the course of three consecutive years (cLOUDEAD, Reaching Quiet, Hymie's Basement). I can at least understand why (hehe) hes taken to a less challenging (but still enjoyable) sound in exchange for more commercial success and the ability to travel around the world.

  3. that aint the man! steve albini is the man!

  4. Sooo, I'm curious what you mean by "let's cut the guy some slack," cus I wasn't at all trying to be negative here, and I don't think the interviewer was either. I just posted this cus I think Yoni Wolf is hilarious and Why? is the shit.


    "probably my worst job was telemarketing. that blew ass. that blew ass real, real deep in the crevices of the..."


    "YEAH.......but FUCK. I could talk some people into some SHIT."

  6. i dont get it whats so funny?

  7. Ah, that was meant for the comment above mine. About the shitty yoni thing
