To paraphrase his thoughts and mine: Who the fuck cares? Yeah, it was stupid of him to mistakenly tweet a picture of his semi-erect but nonetheless underwear-bound junk publicly instead of privately, but in a political world with its priorities this out of wack - where things like politicians engaging in clandestine internet flirtations and whatever stupid thing fell out of Sarah Palin's mouth this week are treated with more importance than things like the illegal war currently being conducted or the ever-worsening record of the Obama administration on civil liberties and the defense thereof (though this is heartening) - the real import of these things and the amount of coverage that they get are wildly disparate. It's just a real shame that this is most likely going to end Weiner's chances of being mayor of New York City. I would have voted for him.
While we're on the topic of Dan Savage related things, have you ever wondered if you are a sociopath, or are otherwise incapable of feeling? Your reaction to this video should provide a somewhat conclusive answer:
i was questioning some things around 1:01